360 Marketing
Innovation and accessibility
During this promotion we enjoyed together with 63,553 subscribers all the passion of our favorite games and the yes that comes from our soul through interactive games and filters, a chatbot with natural language processing and wonderful prizes that included: two trips for two with a cruise to the United Arab Emirates, 2 home stadiums and 74 Uber Eats codes.
¡El sí que te sale del alma!
As part of the promotion for the 2021-2022, where people have to subscribe to play daily. The games allow them to obtain gift pieces within the games that are part of the portal. When completing the pieces, they
are participating for prizes such as a 1 Renault Kwid 2022, Laptos, electric bicycles, gift cards, Playstation 5 consoles and more.
En kölbi nos botamos ¡porque si!
In September 2021, 42k+ kölbi users subscribed to this campaign, downloaded our AR game application, used our interactive filter and shared branded stickers on social media while participating for incredible prizes
and gift cards.
Con kölbi la curiosidad premia al más gato
This fun campaign consists of a digital collection of stamps that represent Costa Rican humor, nature, and culture. Subscribers receive treasure chests with stamps and special prizes as well as unlimited access
to a multiplayer game.
kölbi te impulsa
360 digital marketing: Mobile games for B2B clients
53,982 users subscribed to this campaign in order to play exclusive games, play roulette and win amazing prizes including trips, special discounts on digital platforms, or phone credit.
Viajes y Premios
We enjoyed the Russia World Cup together with 139,169 subscribers by playing games and giving out prizes that included 14 trips to the World Cup with all expenses paid.
Sumate premios
Subscribers to this campaign had exclusive access to 2D and 3D virtual cards, augmented reality games, and facial recognition filters while also participating for exciting prizes. 68,949 users subscribed to this
Con más plata
66,533 people subscribed to this campaign to play Dragon Empire, answer trivia questions and participate for incredible Party Packs with all expenses paid for them and their friends.
Jugá y ganá
This game based campaign allowed subscribers to play games and answer trivia. Subscribers then received coupons to discover awesome prizes.
116,750 people subscribed and participated in this campaign.
Jugá por tu regalo